2020 Platform Updates
We have some 50 new cover templates.

Improved Category Navigation on Create New Story

Keep user-created sets pinned first
New Freestyle Text
Allow free text fields to be added to blank scenes.

Once inserted to the scene you can:
1. click to drag
2. double click to edit
3. change type (h2 to h1)
4. duplicate & delete
5. change size
6. rotate
7. change z-index

...and make something like this.

Insert Media
Add media button at the top allows for masked or full page media elements to be inserted.

1. we insert a default photo
2. we allow resizes and photo panning into the container
3. edit button will open the media panel
4. duplicate, delete
5. effects
6. z-index up and down
7. it's ok to add multiple elements
Effects will have 6 preset effects + additional image control

Simplified "Change Template" view

Simplified Edit View

All essential controls are close to the scene, top is less cluttered

Additional buttons (open attachment, replace tweet)
will go above the top line
...sau asa

Dialogues for first-timers

Templates + Layouts separation
Improved Media Panel

Default search picks up current content category / kit
++ additional related topics

Check Getty API if we can get these automatically
If not, we hardcode / kit
Getty looks like this. If possible, take first 20.

Radius 3px, no text on top
(+am pus un alpha 90% si a devenit totul mai bright si frumos...)

$$ Icon = you can't export without a plan
TBD re: watermark exports or limited results

Photos / Videos

My Library Switch
Drop Unsplash / Giphy

Improve Credits

# of results
New Story Settings button

For OG, etc
Simplified www.nws.ai

One Click Editing

On Roll Over >>
Please register to save your work - WIP

Quiz Summary Page
Quiz Summary Page
The summary page could be a regular scene that uses $variables in text. For example:
Line 1: $rating
You got $correct out of $total right.

$rating settings could be placed in additional configs on 4 tiers (25, 50, 75, 100% correctness) so that people can freestyle. ie. You did amazing. You didn't do that well. You rock. You suck.

Non-portrait ad products
1: The 16:9 stripe

Product 2: TVC + added bottom info

Product 3: Square, no need for new layouts

Thank you!
UI Updates
By mihaifanache
UI Updates
- 661