Native Ad Requirements

Ad Headline

Max 150 characters

Company name

Max 50 characters

Main Image

1200 x 627 px

Max 2 Mb

Thumbnail Image

627 x 627 px

Max 2 Mb


Both images are mandatory

Ad Summary

max 150 characters

Display URL

max 25 characters

Destination URL

max 1024 characters







All elements are mandatory

Native Ad

Best Practices

Ad Headline

Max 150 characters

Captivate, don’t sell!

Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.

Leo Burnett


Never use tricky or irrelevant headlines…
People read too fast to figure out what you are trying to say.

David Ogilvy


Your headline is setting a clear expectation for the reader and your landing page should respect that. You can provide more titles for an ad and they will be automatically optimised for better click rates.

Be informal. Use a news-like title and don’t mislead. Don't jump on selling your product straight from the title.

Usually, titles containing particular words have a higher click rate. Though, do not click bait - overused words or formulas will annoy your audience



Native Ad

Best Practices

 Ad Image

provide two images 1200x627 px and 627x627 px

Use a clean image and your native ad will look great.

Native Ads are designed to look good on all devices. Your ad image, headline and summary will act together in a harmonious and respectful way within the publisher website both mobile and desktop.


Even though two large images are required, this is for responsive design and  retina display reasons. Most of the times the image is scaled down to adapt it for various devices and publisher placements.


Native ad image is not to be considered a standard display banner canvas. Don’t use cluttered images and don't add text on your image. 


Adding copy on your image will have a negative impact over the readability of your ad.

Native Ad

Best Practices

 Ad Summary

Max 150 characters

Make it inviting to read more!



Your ad summary should stay accurate and be consistent with the title.


Try not to oversell by bragging too much. Don’t enumerate your product details, price or technical characteristics.

Make it inviting for further details.


Summary is mandatory but is not always present on our native ads placements. 

0.09 CTR

0.25 CTR

Thank you!

We are happy to help you with any Native Strategy inquirement

Native Ad Specs

By thenewsroom

Native Ad Specs

  • 1,004