Module 2 - Websites


  1. Introduction

  2. Website Fundamentals

  3. Align your Website with your Business Goals

  4. Website Structure and Hosting

  5. Common Website Domains

  6. Website Terminologies

  7. Static vs Responsive Design

  8. Website Design - Do's Donts and Best Cases

  9. Measurement and Analytics

  10. Assessment

A group of pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and related content that is identified by a common domain name and made accessible online by an individual, company, institution, government or organization.

A website is not really about the things you sell or the information you present






Nor is it about you or your company






A website is about your user and their needs. And communicating a clear, specific and persuasive manner to their needs

















Great Designs

Webhosting hosting

Webhosting Domain

Thank YOu

  1. Introduction

  2. Website Fundamentals

  3. Align your Website with your Business Goals

  4. Website Structure and Hosting

  5. Common Website Domains

  6. Website Terminologies

  7. Static vs Responsive Design

  8. Website Design - Do's Donts and Best Cases

  9. Measurement and Analytics

  10. Assessment

Copy of All Things Digital - Day 1

By nwsint

Copy of All Things Digital - Day 1

Steps to Launch Your Website

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